The First Four
Name: Dan
Also known as: The Rabbit
Race: Anthro; Snow rabbit
Dan is the closest thing to a leader that the good guys have. Dan likes to play it safe but is known to be brave when need be. |
Name: Todd
Also known as: Todd K9
Race: Anthro; Dog, mutt
Todd is a little wacky and a little dense. Every loyally by his friends Todd tends to be a problem and a solution all at once. |
Name: Adam
Also known as: Mr. Fix it.
Race: Anthro; Corn snake
Adam tries his best to help out but is usually known for having something back fire on him. As much trouble as he's been faulted for, he does mean well. |
Name: Paisley
Also known as: "The beast"
Race: Anthro; cat
Paisley is the sensible one of the group. She lets the guys know when they are doing something bad. She does however have quite a temper. |
The Metalheads and Jon
Name: Frank
Also known as: Metalli-cat
Race: Anthro; Hyena
Frank is all about being himself and not letting anyone tell him what to do. Always around in a jam Frank has a heart of gold and a spine of metal. |
Name: Mark
Also known as: "Oh no... Him."
Race: Anthro; Chimpanzee
Mark loves simple things and follows his gut feeling everywhere he goes. Mark is also known for being a little out there... |
Name: Metal Man
Also known as: Metal man Z
Race: Robot
Once a bad guy, now Metal man is as good as they come. One of the most powerful forces around Metal man now helps his friends to make up for his past. |
Name: Jon
Also known as: Little dragon
Race: Anthro; dragon
Jon is a cynic. More then that he can be a down right jerk. Jon has been known to help out, but most of the time wants nothing to do with the rest of the crew. |
The Baddies
Name: Dr. Albert Wily
Also known as: Wackjob
Race: Human
The main villain of Mega-Cool is not a very competent one. Wily plots to get our heroes but always fails at the last minute, more then likely due to bad help. |
Name: Bass
Also known as: Forte
Race: Robot
Possibly the most heartless character in the whole strip. Bass is always mean and cruel, mostly to Wily. |
Name: RVM
Also known as: Random Villain man, REGGY
Race: Robot
Originally a robot master, RVM has now been upgraded and perfected. Driven by his vengeance RVM wishes to claim back that what was taken from him. His pride. |
Name: P.U.U.
Also known as: Puu, Pretty underhanded upperhand-getter
Race: Robot
Puu is fairly random and does things on a breeze. She is the only bad guy who is friends with the heroes on the side. |
The Mega-Hunters
Name: Sean
Also known as: Little guy
Race: Anthro; chameleon
Sean takes his job very seriously. He is always thinking of new ways to win. Sean can blend into his surroundings and sneak attack his foe. |
Name: Brian
Also known as: Poor Brian.
Race: Anthro; Turtle
Poor Brian, he really doesn't fit in with the rest of the team and is often frustrated by Dr. Wily. He's proven himself to be quite powerful though. |
Name: Maurice
Also known as: Unstoppable
Race: Anthro; Bull
Maurice is the strong silent type. He follows orders and rarely speaks. He is the strongest of the Mega-Hunters.
Name: Jacob
Also known as: The brains
Race: Anthro; Fox
Jacob is the brains of the operation. He rarely sees battle as he is usually at his command booth giving the Mega-Hunters any info they might need. |
Just Around
Name: Snake man
Also known as: Spaz
Race: Robot
One of Dr. Wily's old robots, Snake man is usually tortured above anything else. He's developed a huge paranoia. |
Name: Etc.
Also known as: Et cetera
Race: ???
Mega-Cool's most pointless character. He's only capable of saying "So long!" |
From the future
Name: Mega-Dan X
Also known as: Mega-Dan
Race: Reploid
Created by Todd and Adam, Mega-Dan X protects the future from the likes of Sigma and his lame mavericks. |
Name: Sigma
Also known as: the bald and stupid wuss.
Race: Reploid
Sigma is the leader of the maverick army and arch enemy to Mega-Dan X. It's a shame that he's smart as a brick. |
Name: Brimstone
Also known as: Devilman
Race: Robot
The most dangerous robot ever created, Brimstone can think and feel for himself. Of course most of these thoughts are about mayham and suffering. He's one scary mofo. |
Behind the Scenes
Name: Heat man
Also known as: The inside man
Race: Robot
Heat man serves as the fourth wall breaker. When something needs to be explained the readers it is Heat man's job. |
Name: Met
Also known as: The Mettool
Race: Robot
Met is Heat man's assistant. |
Name: Me
Also known as: The Author
Race: Probably human
Trying my best not to rip off Bob and George, I rarely pop up in the actual comic. But I'm around other places and I make myself known from time to time. |